Our Guruji Sri Babu Sadhu is a mystic, sacred yogi and a humble sadhu. Swami is an embodiment of compassion, wisdom and inspiration, Founder of Arutperunjothi Vallalar Charitable Trust.
Our Guruji is an ardent follower of Swami Vallalar from his teenage. On knowing about the aim of Suddha Sanmargam i.e. the deathless immortal life, he got interested and started following intensely.
After serving many sanmarga gurus, Guruji relinquished his worldly life and came to Arunachala and started his ascetic life.
He carried out severe penance and attained higher experiences. In the year 1998 Guruji started Sathya Dharmasalai to feed sadhus, poor and needy people as his expression of love and compassion towards suffering beings. The feeding is continuously growing day by day from the day of its inception.
Guruji founded Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Sathya Sangam initially at Tiruvannamalai, a Conducive atmosphere where seekers quench their spiritual thirst and do their sadhanas (practices).
Guruji’s life is simple as he ignores fame and recognition. His greatness lay in his ability to relate to the common man. He understands the problems people face in their everyday lives and empathized with their pain.
Guruji is the guiding light to many of the sadhaks and seekers. He is the living examplar in the path of Suddha Sanmargam
– Weekly Satsang Events(Pollachi/Palani/Tiruvannamalai 2 Places)
On Sundays of every week we conduct free satsang program starts with Agaval poem recitation followed by Thiruvarutpa Bhajans, Satsang, Meditation, Jothi Dharshan and ends up with Maha Prasadham (food distribution).
This program serves as an oppurtunity to all attendants to make themselves spiritually strong by remembering , GodHead; Chanting and Meditating; Listening to Satsang to face the problems of this mundane world with courage and wisdom.

– Clarity is listening to the holy words of Guru
An evening gathering conducted in various places in our state with Satsang, Thiruvarutpa Bhajans, Meditation and Prasadham (free food) distribution for the public to enlighten them on the teachings of Swami Vallalar.
Living in Sanmarga Sangam gives you an advantage to be in the company of a Guru and company with an assembly of persons who listen to, talk about and assimilate the truth. This typically involves listening to or reading scriptures, reflecting on, discussing and assimilating their meaning, meditating on the source of these words, and bringing their meaning into one’s daily life. This also provides us an opportunity to share our love which is nothing but the reflection of our inner self.
In our Abode, people from all walks of lives, irrespective of caste, creed and religion come together to imbibe spiritual knowledge and God’s love. This inculcates in their mind the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God.
After spending their time with their fellow aspirants devotees go with self confidence to be in the world as true warriors facing the challenges of life patiently by reposing their faith in God. We welcome sincere aspirants to actively participate in the Sangam, using this possibility as a part of their spiritual journey.