Azhnilai Dhyana Mugaam – Meet Your Transcendental Nature
The greatest Dhaana one can give is Gnana Dhaana that is to teach oneself on the importance of the virtues like compassion, devotion and self discipline. In this measure, we distribute books and pamphlets having the universal teachings of Swami Ramalinga Vallalar.

The ultimate ideal of human existence is enjoying the everlasting bliss of the Supreme Divine by transforming oneself into a body free from disease, aging, decay and death. Profound meditation techniques are taught to transcend mind and to attain self realization and giving a way to God realization.
To unravel the greatest mysteries of our self, one has to transcend the body, mind and senses. Without breaking the barriers of these, one’s efforts land in futility. In the serene depth of meditation the glorious nature of the resplendent self is revealed. The bewitching senses lure ordinary mortals away from spiritual pursuits. They drag him to abysmal ignorance to give false reality to the earthly pleasures.

The mind invariably follows the senses rather than the intuition. If one tastes the bliss of the self, worldly pleasures become insipid. These three days camps are a great chance to see the reflection of our own Self. These days are meant only for introspection and meditation with observing silence which help us to be away from the stress and strain of the mundane life.
In the areas saturated with divine exhilaration, sadhaks touch the deepest layer of their Being. Nature is the voice of the silent God. The tranquil surrounding is the proof of God’s underlying principle that activates the cosmos. In the depth of silence, the voice of God is heard, through the language of LOVE. Situated amidst nature’s bounty and grandeur our Pollachi ashram helps to explore the majesty of our self.

Future Plans of the Trust
- To construct a centre for medical Aid for all the classes of people by providing free healthcare treatment and conducting awareness program to live a healthy life.
- To provide home for homeless widows, destitute children, create shelter home for aged etc.
- To construct a higher secondary school and junior college. Also construct a centre for the vocational training and empowerment of girls and women’s.
- To construct and run technical schools, study centre and non-formal education classes.
- To construct primary health centre to provide medical help to the poor and needy.
- To establish a home for destitute girls and children who are victims of nature calamities and disasters. To establish a complete village to shelter such orphan children with the facilities of schools, medical centre etc.
- To establish a home for animals (Ex. Goshala,) to protect themselves from being killed either by accidents or from slaughter houses.